Source code for datasetgen.ui.dash

from pathlib import Path

import dash
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import pandas as pd
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
from plotly.graph_objs import Layout

from ..generator import Generator
from . import functions
from .utils import get_functions

[docs]_PROGRESS = 100
[docs]_DEFAULT_SEED = 42
[docs]def _create_layout(app, dest_folder: 'Path', function_UIs: dict): """Prepares the UI layout. :param app: the current Dash application :type app: dash.Dash :param dest_folder: the destination folder for the datasets :type dest_folder: PurePath :param function_UIs: dataset generator UIs :type function_UIs: dict :return: the updated Dash application :rtype: dash.Dash """ app.layout = html.Div(children=[ dcc.Interval(id='progress-interval', n_intervals=0, interval=750), # For empty output callbacks html.Div(id='hidden-div', style={'display': "none"}), html.Div(children=[ dbc.Toast( "", id="dataset-prepare-info-alert", header="Dataset prepare", icon="info", is_open=False, duration=2000, style={"position": "fixed", "top": 8, "right": 8, "width": 480}, ), dbc.Toast( "", id="dataset-inspect-info-alert", header="Dataset inpsect", icon="success", is_open=False, duration=2000, style={"position": "fixed", "top": 8, "right": 8, "width": 480}, ), dbc.Toast( "", id="dataset-generator-info-alert", header="Dataset save", icon="success", is_open=False, duration=2000, style={"position": "fixed", "top": 8, "right": 8, "width": 480}, ), ]), html.H2(children='Dataset Generator'), html.Hr(), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col( html.H3(children="Output folder"), width={'size': "auto", 'offset': 1} ), dbc.Col(dcc.Input( id='dest-folder', type="text", placeholder="destination folder name",, ), width="auto"), dbc.Col( dbc.Button( 'Load files', id='load-files' ), width={'size': "auto"} ), dbc.Col( dbc.Spinner( html.H5( id='dest-folder-load', children="" )), width={'size': "auto"} ), ]), html.Hr(), html.H3(children="Generator Parameters"), html.Hr(), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col( html.H5(id='seed-val', children="Seed: "), width={'size': 3, 'offset': 1} ), dbc.Col(dcc.Input( id='seed', type="number", placeholder="random seed value", value=_DEFAULT_SEED, ), width="auto") ], style={'padding-bottom': "1em"}), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col( html.H5(id='num-day-val', children="Num. Days: "), width={'size': 3, 'offset': 1} ), dbc.Col(dcc.Slider( id='num-days', min=1, max=365, step=1, value=7, marks={ 0: {'label': '0'}, 7: {'label': '7'}, 30: {'label': '30'}, 60: {'label': '60'}, 90: {'label': '90'}, 120: {'label': '120'}, 365: {'label': '365'} }, ), width=7) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(html.H5(id='num-req-x-day-val', children="Num. Req. x Day: "), width={'size': 3, 'offset': 1} ), dbc.Col(dcc.Slider( id='num-req-x-day', min=1, max=100000, step=1, value=1000, marks={ 1000: {'label': '1000'}, 10000: {'label': '10000'}, 20000: {'label': '20000'}, 30000: {'label': '30000'}, 50000: {'label': '50000'}, 100000: {'label': '100000'}, }, ), width=7) ]), html.Hr(), html.H4(children="Function Selection"), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col( dbc.Spinner( dcc.Dropdown( id='functions', options=get_functions(), value='None' )), width={'size': 7, 'offset': 1} ), dbc.Col( dbc.Button("Reload functions", id='reload-functions', color="primary", ), ), ]), html.Hr(), html.H4(children="Function Parameters"), html.Div(id='function-parameters'), html.Hr(), dbc.Button("Prepare", id='prepare-dataset', color="warning", block=True), dbc.Button("Inpsect", id='inspect-dataset', color="info", block=True), dbc.Button("Save", id='save-dataset', color="success", block=True), html.Hr(), dbc.Progress( id='create-dataset-progress', value=_PROGRESS, className="mb-3" ), html.Hr(), dbc.Spinner(html.Div(id='inspect-output')), ], style={'padding': "1em"}) return app
[docs]def _prepare_callbacks(app, generator, dest_folder, function_UIs: dict): """Function to prepare the UI callbacks. In this function are called also all the personalized UI callbacks present in the function generator UIs. :param app: the current Dash application :type app: dash.Dash :param generator: the generator object :type generator: Generator :param dest_folder: the destination folder for the datasets :type dest_folder: PurePath :param function_UIs: the dataset generator UIs :type function_UIs: dict :return: the Dash app with the updated callbacks :rtype: dash.Dash """ for elm in function_UIs.values(): elm.callbacks() @app.callback([Output('dest-folder', 'value'), Output('dest-folder-load', 'children')], [Input('load-files', 'n_clicks')],) def open_folder(n_clicks): if n_clicks: generator.open_data( return, "All data loaded..." return, "No data loaded..." @app.callback( [Output("functions", "options"), Output("functions", "value")], [Input("reload-functions", "n_clicks")], ) def reload_functions(n_clicks): return get_functions(), "" @app.callback( Output('function-parameters', 'children'), [Input('functions', 'value')], ) def update_function_ui(value): if value in function_UIs: return function_UIs[value].elements() else: return "Function has no parameters" @app.callback( Output("hidden-div", "children"), [Input("dest-folder", "value")], ) def change_dest_folder(new_dest_folder): generator.dest_folder = Path( dest_folder).parent.joinpath(new_dest_folder) return "" @app.callback( Output("seed-val", "children"), [Input("seed", "value")], ) def change_seed(value): generator.seed = value return f"Seed: {value}" @app.callback( Output('num-day-val', 'children'), [Input('num-days', 'value')]) def update_num_days(value): generator.clean() generator.num_days = value return f"Num. Days: {value}" @app.callback( Output('num-req-x-day-val', 'children'), [Input('num-req-x-day', 'value')]) def update_num_req_x_day(value): generator.num_req_x_day = value return f"Num. Req. x Day: {value}" @app.callback( [Output('dataset-prepare-info-alert', 'is_open'), Output('dataset-prepare-info-alert', 'icon'), Output('dataset-prepare-info-alert', 'children')], [Input('prepare-dataset', 'n_clicks')], [State("functions", "value")] ) def prepare_dataset(n_clicks, selected_function): if n_clicks: global _PROGRESS _PROGRESS = 0 try: fun_kwargs = function_UIs[selected_function].to_dict() except KeyError: return True, "danger", "Impossible to get function parameters..." if selected_function and fun_kwargs: generator.clean() for day in generator.prepare( selected_function, fun_kwargs ): _PROGRESS = day return True, "success", "Done" else: return True, "warning", "Nothing to do..." else: return False, "primary", "No message from prepare dataset..." @app.callback( [Output('inspect-output', 'children'), Output('dataset-inspect-info-alert', 'is_open'), Output('dataset-inspect-info-alert', 'children')], [Input('inspect-dataset', 'n_clicks')] ) def inspect_dataset(n_clicks): if n_clicks: (df, file_frequencies, all_day_file_size, file_sizes, num_files, num_req) = generator.df_stats layout = Layout( paper_bgcolor='rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor='rgb(255,255,255)', yaxis={'gridcolor': 'black'}, xaxis={'gridcolor': 'black'}, ) daily_stats = go.Figure(data=[ go.Bar(name='Files',, y=num_files.numFiles), go.Bar(name='Requests',, y=num_req.numReq), ], layout=layout) daily_stats.update_layout(title="# files and requests x day") day_file_size = all_day_file_size, x="day", y="Size", title="Day size" ) file_freq_fig = file_frequencies, x="Filename", y="# requests", title="File requests" ) file_size_fig = file_sizes, x="Filename", y="Size", title="File sizes" ) size_hist_fig = px.histogram( df, x="Size", title="Size distribution" ) size_scatter_fit = px.scatter( df, y='Size', size='Size', title="Sizes during days" ) filename_scatter_fig = px.scatter( df, y='Filename', color="Filename", title="Files during days" ) file_freq_fig.update_layout(layout) file_size_fig.update_layout(layout) size_hist_fig.update_layout(layout) size_scatter_fit.update_layout(layout) filename_scatter_fig.update_layout(layout) return [ dcc.Graph(figure=daily_stats), dcc.Graph(figure=day_file_size), dcc.Graph(figure=file_freq_fig), dcc.Graph(figure=file_size_fig), dcc.Graph(figure=size_hist_fig), dcc.Graph(figure=size_scatter_fit), dcc.Graph(figure=filename_scatter_fig), ], True, "Inspection done. Result plots are ready!" return "", False, "" @app.callback( [Output('dataset-generator-info-alert', 'is_open'), Output('dataset-generator-info-alert', 'children')], [Input('save-dataset', 'n_clicks')] ) def save_dataset(n_clicks): if n_clicks: global _PROGRESS _PROGRESS = 0 for day in _PROGRESS = day return True, "Done! Dataset saved in the output folder..." else: return False, "No message from save dataset..." @app.callback( Output("create-dataset-progress", "value"), [Input("progress-interval", "n_intervals")], ) def update_progress(n): global _PROGRESS return _PROGRESS return app
[docs]def start_app(debug: bool = True, dest_folder: 'Path' = Path(__file__).parent): """Start the generator UI app. :param debug: if start in debug mode or not, defaults to True :type debug: bool, optional :param dest_folder: the destination folder for the dataset generator, defaults to Path(__file__).parent :type dest_folder: PurePath, optional """ generator = Generator( dest_folder=dest_folder, ) app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[ _EXTERNAL_STYLESHEETS, dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP ], suppress_callback_exceptions=True) function_UIs = {} for elm in dir(functions): cur_elm = getattr(functions, elm) if type(cur_elm) == type and \ cur_elm is not functions.FunctionUI and \ issubclass(cur_elm, functions.FunctionUI): function_UIs[elm] = cur_elm(app) app = _create_layout(app, dest_folder, function_UIs) app = _prepare_callbacks(app, generator, dest_folder, function_UIs) app.run_server(debug=debug)