:mod:`datasetgen.ui.dash` ========================= .. py:module:: datasetgen.ui.dash Module Contents --------------- .. data:: _EXTERNAL_STYLESHEETS :annotation: = ['https://codepen.io/chriddyp/pen/bWLwgP.css'] .. data:: _PROGRESS :annotation: = 100 .. data:: _DEFAULT_SEED :annotation: = 42 .. function:: _create_layout(app, dest_folder: Path, function_UIs: dict) Prepares the UI layout. :param app: the current Dash application :type app: dash.Dash :param dest_folder: the destination folder for the datasets :type dest_folder: PurePath :param function_UIs: dataset generator UIs :type function_UIs: dict :return: the updated Dash application :rtype: dash.Dash .. function:: _prepare_callbacks(app, generator, dest_folder, function_UIs: dict) Function to prepare the UI callbacks. In this function are called also all the personalized UI callbacks present in the function generator UIs. :param app: the current Dash application :type app: dash.Dash :param generator: the generator object :type generator: Generator :param dest_folder: the destination folder for the datasets :type dest_folder: PurePath :param function_UIs: the dataset generator UIs :type function_UIs: dict :return: the Dash app with the updated callbacks :rtype: dash.Dash .. function:: start_app(debug: bool = True, dest_folder: Path = Path(__file__).parent) Start the generator UI app. :param debug: if start in debug mode or not, defaults to True :type debug: bool, optional :param dest_folder: the destination folder for the dataset generator, defaults to Path(__file__).parent :type dest_folder: PurePath, optional